Saturday, February 18, 2012

Finally some powder in 2012!! 2/16/12

After a foot of new snow hit the Sierras, we decided to head back out in the Mt. Rose back country to find the elusive powder that we had yet to see this year. Skinned up Tamarack Peak again, but skied down the North facing slope this time... Best powder turns of the year!! And really, I'm not lying. In fact, there is pretty much nowhere to go but up this season, so I'll probably be able to make that claim many more times this year:) Anyway, like I said, the skiing was fantastic, and so was the company. The awesome group of hard core chicks heading out today included myself, Heather, and Julie Brown. Thanks for a great day ladies!

Heather navigating up a particularly steep and slick part of the trail.

Julie smiling about a successful back country trial run before her big trip to Chamonix!

Heather, Julie, and Raven summiting Tamarack.

Me looking back on Lake Tahoe.

It's a pretty cool spot at the top of Rose...views of Tahoe one way and Reno the other.

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