Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rehearsing for the Langerowski Union 9/15/11

Today was the rehearsal for John and Stacia's wedding. We had a busy morning doing all sorts of party prep and set up, since the dinner was at my parents house, but we made sure to start the day off right with a quick waterski session on Lake Tahoe! Then came the rehearsal at the site, and then a fabulous dinner made by our friend Gary. Yum!

Chryssa and Eric enjoying a beautiful glassy morning out on the lake.

Eric's first ski on Tahoe since last year, or maybe longer??

The groomsmen enjoying a cold one after a hard day of wedding work.

Jordan...such a cutie, and she knows it!

Jordan and Uncle Josh...happy times when they are together!

Proud parents of the groom.

Stacia pulled off a great practice rendition of galloping in on a horse. Even Kishka got all excited about it!

Carter, Jordan, and Uncle Josh...three peas in a pod.

Josh had his western themed mustache going strong for the rehearsal...first time using mustache wax!

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