Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Post-Wedding Play Time 9/18/11

After all the excitment of the wedding was over, we had some more quality time to spend with friends and family who were able to stay longer. The Matthews graciously took a bunch of us out for a picnic cruise on their boat, which was awesome. Aunt Lyn, Chryssa, and the Ryggs were able to join us, and we had a wonderful day. Always love getting a little extra time with theh new little Bygg Man.

Evan actually had a really good time, but he doesn't look so pleased right here... Probably because we wouldn't let him have any of our adult food and drink!

Eric and Uncle Josh trying to convince Evan that swimming in the freezing cold water was a good idea.

Josh, Brit, Evan, and Eric chillin' in the bow.

Ready for a dunk??

After the upsetting water experience, Evan got changed and was happy all over again.

And then he had a great nap all the way home in Daddy's arms.

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