Monday, November 21, 2011

Flume Trail Fun 10/13/11

We ventured north around the lake to join forces with Ryan Adams for a great fall mountain bike ride on the Flume Trail. Conditions were all time! It was a few days after a rain storm, so the ground was damp and packed, rather than the normal sandy conditions you find over there in Incline. The fall Aspens were looking great, and so was Josh...totally conquered a much steeper and longer ride than he has gone on all summer! Not to mention that we got to see the best views of Lake Tahoe!!

Katharine, Josh, and Ryan at Marlette Lake, taking a quick break after all the uphill was done.

Josh and Ryan and a better look at Marlette.

Don't forget about me!

Josh and Ryan pausing for a quick vista point view.

These are the kinds of views you get all along the Flume...prettiest ride in Tahoe!

Kat, Josh, and a lake panorama.

You have to be careful when you ride on the Flume and try to see the lake...the trail is narrow and right on the edge of a steep wrong move and you'll be tumbling a long way down!

Studly mountain biking hunk!

Love the East Shore with its white sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters.

At the top of the world!

Glad to have finally made it out for a great ride with my buddy Ryan!

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