Monday, March 16, 2015

Leia Week 88: Snow Bunny Steals the Show! - 3/4/2015

Leia is making so many new strides every day, and this week was no exception.  We had two more successful uses of the potty (but it's by no means regular yet), she's very helpful about picking up spilled crumbs and water on the floor, and when she see's that we've left open any drawers or cabinets, she always says "close" and then then closes them for us.  It's a very good new habit for her since she's the one who usually bumps her head on said open first!

GramGram and Grandpa sent Leia a brand new ski helmet and goggles, so we finally got to put those into use this week.  She was so excited to have a cool helmet just like Mommy and Daddy.  Grandma Viv also sent a bunch of new clothes, which also made their fashion debut on the ski slope.  We definitely had the best dressed snow bunny on the hill (luckily the weather was absolutely beautiful since these great duds are definitely fashion over function)!  We had to ski on the big chair (Far East) since Papoose was closed, but she quickly started having so much fun and confidence that she started telling me "move" and "go away".  So I let go of her along the Champs Elysee, and next thing I know she's shot ahead of me so fast (heading straight for the edge of the path) that I had to skate really hard to catch up and grab her!  She was laughing and loving the whole thing, and yelling at me to let go again, so we just kept doing that the whole way down the trail.  It was awesome, and her speed, balance, and confidence is so impressive!

Hanging out in mikos and worm slippers, just being goofy!

Testing out the new ski outfit...this is how a helmet works right?

Our little brainiac loves reading!

Insisting on playing in the bathtub even if I wouldn't let her actually take a bath!

My little snow bunny in her fancy new outfit and helmet courtesy of GramGram and Grandma!

Even fired up to carry her own skis...thata girl!

Too cute for words!

Cutest little fox on the mountain today!

Finally decided it might be ok to try out getting pulled!

Skiing with Nana and Poppy is the best!

Yep, maybe this getting towed thing isn't so bad!

Now everyone has cool goggle lenses!

Riding up Far East Express...maybe those goggles are a little big!

Aspen Extreme!

A little Apres Ski run around the parking lot!

She doesn't like to see water messes on the floor of the bathroom...not to worry though, Leia will clean it up with her rubber gloves and scrubber!

Drawing pictures with her favorite friend Georgia!

She just loves those rubber gloves!!

It finally snowed in Tahoe...and a surprising good amount!

My little helper trying to clear off the deck...only thing we need to work on is throwing it over the railing!

Yep, it's deep, waist deep if you're 1.5!

Learning the difficulties of pre-snowplow road travel!

Oh yeah, this sled goes fast on an icy road!

Tea party in the snow!

Mom's first of many winter up the warm gloves to cure a case of cold, wet hands!

One of our only changes all year to really build any good snowmen!

Attempting to teach the art of Snow Angels...she wasn't too interested.

A beautiful Snow Angel nonetheless.

A few Day 2 improvements to old Frosty.

More fun with speed sledding!

Helping Dad make another snowman on the back deck...Dad is sooo happy to finally have an excuse to play in the snow again after all these years!

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