Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Leia's First Week - 7/3/13

Leia's first week at home was much better than expected.  Most of the nights she would go for 3 to 4 hour stretches between feedings, she's latching really well, and her grandparents were here to help with cooking, cleaning, walking, and Mom napping.  We went to the doctor on day 5 and she had already gained enough weight to pass her birth weight and grew an inch...guess Mom has LOTS of good milk!!  She even cracked her first smile...so advanced this little one is!

Daddy snuggling with his little girl.

Look at that cutie face.

Leia loves lounging on home knit stuff from her Great Aunt Joanne.

Car ride to her first doctors appointment...slept the whole way and was well behaved the whole time...what an angel!
Our little burrito...we read the instructions and watched the videos, but we are still just having to get creative with the whole swaddle thing.

The escape artist...guess we need more practice with the swaddle.

She loves to get into crazy positions.

Hi there! (Mom's eye view)

Uncle Worm loves him some Leia!

Sleeping cutie.

First Smile!!

She absolutely loves to rock her Diva Pose.

Another car ride...wide awake but quiet.
Look Mom, my umbilical cord clip came off on day 7, several days earlier than expected...I'm so advanced!

Baby's First Home Bath.

Our little Water Snake (Chinese Zodiak).

Leia absolutely loves bath time!

Water Snake and Fire Snake together.

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