Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Leia Marian Transue! - 6/26/13

Our little princess, Leia Marian Transue, was finally born on June 26, 2013 at 10:30 pm.  She was 8 lbs and 3 oz, 20.5 inches long.  She was scheduled for induction with Pitocin, which started at 6am.  She held out for a full 16.5 hours of labor before making her debut, 5.5 hours of which was pushing!  We hit 10cm dilation at 5pm, so the pushing started after that, but she was facing the wrong way (sunnyside up instead of rear facing), so it was very difficult to push her down the canal.  They let me go an abnormally insane 5 hours because I was doing so well and making great progress, but she was never going to get all the way like that, so finally the doctor said we needed to use forceps and have an episiotomy.  The process would be extremely painful, so an epidural was required as well.  Well, after the epidural, there was another half our of pushing to get her the last little bit that made using forceps possible (rather than a C-Section), and next thing we knew, they pulled her out!  Of course, I still ripped past the episiotomy all the way to the rectum, so I now have a 4 degree tear and a very painful, slow, tough recovery, but baby Leia is healthy, happy, and very advanced... She already knew how to breast feed and latch perfectly one minute out of the womb! Here is the first round of pictures from her birth through her first 2 days of life.

Picture of the computer readout of my contractions at only 3:00...pretty relentless when they are 1 minute long and only 1 minute apart.  No rest for the weary.

Baby Leia goes straight from the womb to skin to skin contact with Mom.

She came out already knowing how to latch...she immediately had her mouth sucking and hunting for a feed.

Big Foot!
After an hour of skin to skin, it was time for the big weigh in and measurement.

And now back to the skin for more bonding and recovering time.

She had the longest fingernails ever, probably thanks to the extra week cooking in the oven.

Everyone needed some rest after such an exhausting day.

Already had her eyes open, looking for Daddy, and responding to his familiar voice.
Our happy family!

Proud Daddy snuggling with his little Princess.

Happy baby spending some quality skin to skin bonding time with Daddy.

There's nothing better than a good snuggle.

Our newest little Steelers fan.

Such a cutie!

Relaxed and happy after lunch.

Josh doesn't sleep at night, he and Leia just play and make cute faces.

More from the 3am photo shoot.

Wide awake during sleep time...oh boy.

Josh pretty much did all the work caring for Leia during our 2 day hospital stay because I was recovering and couldn't really get out of bed.
She already knows how to give the bird to the paparazzi who won't leave her alone!

Leia is a very advanced little baby girl who spends lots of time in thinker pose.

Very zen.

Leia's first car ride home from the hospital.

Snuggle time with Uncle Worm.

First day at home...let's celebrate!

3 days old, so peaceful, happy, and cute!

1 comment:

Flannery said...

How precious! She is such a sweetheart. Hope your recovery is speedy and filled with snuggles, Kat.