Thursday, September 10, 2009

Zeena's Annual Labor Day in Tahoe

My friend Zeena and her closest fan club headed up to Tahoe for her Annual Labor Day visit. We had a jam packed weekend of adventures...a day rafting/walking down the extremely low Truckee River, a day boating on Tahoe, a day at the beach, dinner at Sunnyside, a big bbq at the house, and lots of fun! Oh yeah, and don't forget the excitement of another bear breaking into my house on Saturday night...!!

Khalil and Khalid were workin' it with the ladies all get 'em boys!

Adriana and Zeena, worshipping the sun.

Zeenie and Kath, best friends for 31 years!

Namir doing some sort of break-dancing rendition??

Zeena is "Holding out for a Hero!"

Dan was super excited after the iPod played his first choice for the First Dance at his wedding...Too bad we all nixed it!!

The whole gang after a fun day on Lake Tahoe.

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