Tuesday, June 19, 2018

L&A Years 4&2 Week 49: Sister Love Week - 5/31/18

Leia was so excited this week when she saw we were finally preparing the guest room to be her bedroom.  She didn't even want me to paint it because she didn't want to have to wait another day to sleep in it.  We ended up letting her sleep in it right after painting, since it didn't actually smell much at all.  Leia is always wanting to go to the library these days because of the scavenger hunt and treasure box prizes.  We went after swimming, and she was really disappointed to learn that there was no hunt this week.  Luckily she ended up having fun doing other activities, and ended up getting a prize anyway for completing the Lego Challenge of building a house with doors and windows.  Leia's quote of the week: "I wasn't born to be the helping type!"  Guess we need to change that belief!  Actually, I know she's super helpful at school, so it's really just home that's the problem.  She was also really whiny and helpless all weekend, and likes to threaten to hit us now if we don't do what she wants.  "I'm bored!" and "It's boring!" are her recent go-to phrases when we don't give her attention or turn on the TV, but eventually she does find something fun to do, it just takes a little coaxing.  We had a really great trip to the Kids Zone museum this week.  Both girls had so much fun, did every single different activity, made some great art, and didn't even throw a fit when it was time to leave!

Arwyn had previously been excited about the prospect of getting a new room, but when push came to shove, she didn't want to move into Leia's old room until I showed her how how we would take all of Leia's stuff out, put her stuff in, and give her a new, big girl bed.  That seemed a little better to her, but she was still a little leery of getting Leia's hand-me-down room.  It really started to sink in that maybe this would be a good thing when she saw Leia's old closet totally empty and ready to receive her own clothes.  The girls had a blast playing in all the furniture that we had to move into the garage during the room moving transition.  Arwyn and Leia loved climbing in the big wood shelf unit and pretending it was a bunk bed.  It was cute and I'm glad they liked it, but I'm still not getting a bunk bed because I hate changing top bunk sheets!  Arwyn currently loves to strip off all her clothes and yell out, "Naked Baby!"  She gets such a kick out of it.  Arwyn also had a blast on our trip to the museum, and was so cooperative the whole time.  But she drank so much of the free lemonade that she ended up peeing in her carseat on the way home!  I love how Arwyn gets a huge smile on her face whenever it's time for our family meetings because she loves the spotlight when she gets to give out her compliments and appreciations.  It's so awesome!  Although she still mostly compliments all of us on either cooking or eating our dinners.  Arwyn, on the other hand, is still not doing so awesome on eating her own dinner.  She still keeps inhaling food and almost choking at dinner time.  Arwyn was super tired all weekend, and nap time and bedtime and bedtime kept being a little too late, so she would get into super overtired, freakout mode.  Luckily she was eventually able to calm down and lie down, so that was good.  Arwyn is starting to do a really good job of expression her emotions.  She likes to tell me, "I'm really frustrated!"  I'm glad she's learning that skill and I hope I can keep helping her deal with her frustration in a positive way.

Catching worms after the rainstorm!  And making big strides in the bravery department...last time she wouldn't touch them!

Leia and Arwyn's Wedding Ceremony!  Such beautiful brides!

Kinda bummed that I forget to take a proper "before" picture of this guest room before we took it apart to start painting.

Another view.

And the "after."

I think we have some happy campers.

Excited about the close proximity of their new rooms, the girls have rekindled their love and affection for each other.  They love love love living right next door!

Annual Squaw Valley Fire Fighters Pancake Breakfast!

Always exciting to get inside a real Fire Truck!

Uh oh, don't look now, but 3 little kids have highjacked the fire truck!

Hey Arwyn, I see you in there!

Help, let us out!

Lots of fun things to do at the library, in addition to reading so many cool books!

My daughter really must be a giant if she's bigger than an elephant!

Yummy Arbonne approved meal with fresh Morels from our yard!

Little Red Riding Hood hits the Farmer's Market!

Beware of the Princess Pirates...they love to hunt for treasure and steal all your booty!

She's like the Incredible Hulk, carrying that huge rock like it's nothing!

Climbing the nets to the upper decks.

Love that cutie pie!

Just hanging out at the top of the world.

How come she only does the cooking and cleaning when it's for pretend?

The creative juices are flowing!

Beautiful rainbow snowflake, Arwyn!

Fun Sunday night family dinner party down by the creek, thanks to Miss Leia, of course!

I love it when Leia wants to snuggle and smile!

Love these two cutie pies!

Silly billies!

The one, the only, Googie Woobs!

Leia's new garage bunk bed!  I guess we don't need to build forts if we just keep this!

I think it's Moana Day again...sporting Daddy's gorgeous Moana Rock Necklace, and wearing bandanas for clothes!

Talk about living on the edge!

I think it's a sister kind of thing.


Arwyn insisted on sleeping in her Super Girl costume tonight!

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