Friday, January 26, 2018

L&A Years 4&2 Week 30: Stacia's Birthday Week - 1/18/2018

I implemented our new weekly family meeting for the first time this week, and as promised in my parenting class, Leia loved it!  She was really excited to have a special job (she was the official snack preparer this week), and I could see it in her face that she really liked getting a compliment from her sister Arwyn (everyone has to take turn and give a compliment or appreciation to each person).  She even asked if we could have another family meeting the next day!  Leia was also super excited and adaptable when we had to change plans at the last second and get to Nana's quickly for Stacia's Birthday Dinner.  And then she even ate chocolate cake!  She's so weird about chocolate.  One minute she says she doesn't like it and won't eat it, the next minute she does want to eat it.  And everyone blames it on me, but I really don't think it's my influence at all.  This night there was both a chocolate and non-chocolate option, and I did try to encourage the non-chocolate option for her, but she said no, she likes chocolate and wants chocolate.  But the next day, she wanted nothing to do with chocolate again.  Go figure!  Anyway, she gobbled it down that night, but hasn't touched it once in the two weeks following.  So don't get excited, it's not a clear victory for all you chocolate lovers out there!  Leia was super excited to spend the night at Nana and Poppy's this weekend when I went out with the girls.  She planned out all the things she wanted to bring and do with them, and couldn't wait to get started.  We also had a great day of skiing with Leia this week.  She did really well on her turns.  Leia and Arwyn have both been super irritable with each other this week, constantly taunting each other and not playing that well together.  I'm not sure if it's illness, lack of sleep, and just general irritability because of missing Daddy (he's been gone for 2 weeks already and we have almost 2 more to go).  Leia knows he's gone, knows he's not coming back for awhile, and still asks where he is every morning.  I've been trying to do a lot of extra Mommy Time to compensate, but mostly it's been with Leia, not enough with Arwyn.  I think Arwyn is definitely suffering from no Daddy, not enough Mommy Time, and the 2 and a half year old anger blues, so she's really provoking Leia a lot.  They are both guilty.  Leia had so much fun at the DJ Laser Light Night Tubing that we went to for Stacia's birthday. (Yes, we went to 3 out of 4 of her parties this week!  Hey, you only turn 40 once right?)  She was a little nervous at first to have to head up the Magic Carpet in the dark with Uncle John and not me, but after the thrill of her first right down, she was doing speed laps on her own with no problems!  She would drag that tube from the bottom of the track right up to the bottom of the Magic Carpet, and head on up like it was no big deal.  So cool.

Arwyn also really liked our new family meeting.  Even though she's only 2.5, she did a really good job of giving compliments to me and Leia.  She also figured out Leia's game quickly, and played it well (almost better than Leia).  Arwyn had a big smile on her face the whole time.  Arwyn was also really excited to spend the night at Nana's,  until it was time for me to leave.  I did a quick Mommy Time with her, and when the timer went off, she just walked right out of the room to find everyone else and just left me.  I took my cue and skedaddled!  Both girls slept through the night at Nana's for the first time too.  But Arwyn did wake up earlier than her usual.  Arwyn did not have a great day on our ski day this week.  She was super fussy the whole time, and wanted me to hold her, not use the leash.  She kept saying she was scared, which she's never been before.  She didn't want to go on any of the lifts, and she seemed really tired, so that may have had something to do with it.  But she's kept up with this "hold me" thing ever since, so I'm not really sure what's going on since she was fine with the leash before.  Arwyn ended up having a really great time at the DJ Laser Night Tubing as well, but it didn't start off that way.  She was super jealous that Leia was doing the tubing and she wasn't, but I just didn't think she'd be brave enough to do it alone, and kids aren't allowed to go down with a parent.  Finally I just drug her around on the tube, and I guess that was enough to make her comfortable, that and the pressure and jealously of watching everyone else do it!  I explained to her multiple times she'd have to go down by herself, she said she was fine with that, and when it was time to blast off, she was!  I went running back down the Magic Carpet to meet her, thinking for sure I'd find her standing alone scared in the dark.  But no, she was charging back up the path, dragging her tube by herself, with a huge smile on her face.  She even went down spinning in circles by the end, no fear!  Arwyn's first big development this week was that she finally learned how to straighten her own slap bracelet!  Now I don't have to do it for her every 15 seconds!!  Arwyn's second big development of the week was that she climbed out of her crib for the first time.  So far she's only done it twice, once when she was super pissed because I had put her in there as punishment for hitting, pinching, and biting (in retrospect, this was clearly a bad solution to the problem), and once when Leia went in to keep her company in the morning but then left her to come back up to my room to report to me.  Other than that, she's still staying in her bed and calling when she wants me, as well as staying in bed when I put her down to sleep.  Arwyn also wore underwear to school a couple days this week.  She did a really good job of not having accidents!  Keep it up!

Everybody loves an excuse for a party, especially a birthday party!  These days they ask me every week if we can go to Nana's for a party.

Blowing out the birthday candles as the excited cake lovers look on.

Leia ate the chocolate cake tonight!!  She even turned down the non-chocolate option.  Of course she claimed to hate chocolate again by the next day.

Happy cake customers.

Lick that plate clean Arwyn!

First day of the season that we got to get out skiing with Nana!

Cute portrait taken by Miss Leia.

Always fun to find the flamingos on the way up the finitely.

These black flamingos were new today.

I guess for toddlers, the best part of skiing is the Après.

Girls night out at the Ritz for Stacia's 40th.  Riding up to the Ritz in a pitch black gondola!

When you go someplace fancy, you sure do feel fancy!

The birthday girl!

Password = Arwyn

More of Arwyn's Cold Face Quest 1.14.18 from Katharine Transue on Vimeo.
Can't get enough of Arwyn's cute little cold face act.  Always looking to capture it better than last time.

Dual post-nap meltdowns...where is our Daddy when we need him??

The DJ was spinning and the track was all lit up...let's get this party started!

Happy 40th Birthday Stacia!

Here comes Leia!

I guess it was fun because she's headed back up, no help or hesitation this time around!

Taking a little practice ride on the tube.  Come on Mom, this is boring, I'm ready for the big hill!

Riding up the Magic Carpet, getting herself fired up for some extreme tubing!

Big smiles on all the kids faces!  So glad these sisters could enjoy it together!

This big girl was riding up solo, smiling a big smile for her Aunt Stacia.

Password = Leia

Fun evening celebrating Aunt Stacia's 40th Birthday.  Both girls surprised me with their bravery and independence, to go flying down the hill in the dark, then get up and out of the track, and drag their tubes back up without Mom right at their sides!

When your baby sitter makes you wash off your cool body art before you can show it off to your Mom, just take a picture!

Leia's first of year #2 of Summiteers!  Starting out in the second most advanced group this year!

Leia and her school friend Giselle.

Follow the leader S turns, with Leia bringing up the rear.

Password = Leia

Leia's first day of Summiteers was much different this year than last...she started the season already making turns down a big hill.  Only time will tell what progress she'll make over the next 8 weeks...

The best part about the Magic Carpet?  You don't have to spend the entire ride trying to keep Arwyn from snooging off the're already at ground level!

Password = Arwyn

While Leia was at her first Summiteers of the season, Arwyn had her first one on one ski day with Mommy of the season.  We hit the Magic Carpet hard because usually we ski with Leia, so we don't always have the luxury of skiing at Arwyn's level.  She did great!  A few more weeks of this and I think she'll gain a lot of skill and confidence.

This hot little skier earned herself a cool Squaw/Alpine sticker today!

Skiing is fun, but balloons are better!

Arwyn helped me make our first ever Transue family batch of Tamale Pinwheels (a Lange family favorite!)

Going in for her first bite...She was heavily invested in the creation process, so we had good buy in on actually trying it (as opposed to Leia, who poo-poo'd the whole project).

And the official verdict?  A big thumbs up!!!

December was a big art months for the Transues...

A large primary color masterpiece by Miss Arwyn.

A multi-media representation of the fall foliage by Arwyn.

Leia is starting to frame in a lot of her artwork, which makes a really nice effect.

Arwyn likes to get smashy with her paint.

Leia is really into cutting out her artwork these days.  She's quite good with the scissors!

A family portrait, by Leia.

Happy Birthday Card from Leia to Mommy.

I really think Arwyn could make a place for herself in the world of Abstract Art!

I love Arwyn's mix of colors in this one.

Leia learned how to draw a heart!

This is a bunch of wrapped Christmas presents.

Mini Mouse by Leia.

More great scissor work.  She's even getting around the petals of the flower!

Leia and her house.

Arwyn's masterpiece from our visit to the KidsZone Museum.

So many cool things about this art from Leia: perfect rainbow doubling as an ice cream cone, and a great cutting job!

Leia likes to draw on the way to school every day.  Today she created a butterfly.

One of Leia's "frame projects" from her art box from Cousin Jordan.

Symmetrical flower petals and some great looking hearts.

One of Leia's best jobs writing her name!

A ladybug and a Princess.

A little holiday art by Arwyn.

Leia is drawing so many great scenes these days, and I'm always so impressed by her creativity.  This is "Two People Getting Married on a Bridge."

Arwyn working on her circles.

Another fun scene from Leia: "Mommy picking flowers in the woods and dancing in the sunshine."

I absolutely love Arwyn's 8-eyed reindeer.  I hope he doesn't ever need glasses!

Flowers with stems and leaves.

A long haired princess picking flowers in the sun.

Leia's coloring in skills have been improving as well.

Another family portrait: Leia, Dad, Baby Arwyn, Mom, Poppy, and Nana.  (Notice how a lot of her people are even starting to have bodies now.)

This might be my favorite drawing of all.  She told me it was supposed to be a butterfly, but she messed up so she turned it into a bed!  Totally looks like a really comfy bed, and talk about thinking outside the box!

Arwyn's style definitely lends itself to water color!

Cool rough paper water color from school.

Double-sided!  Love the flower by Leia.

Leia's first new year's resolution!

I love all the family portraits.  In case you can't read the small writing: "Mommy mad at Arwyn...Leia...Arwyn"

I never found out what this was, but I personally think it looks like some crazy cool blow fish from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Another cool frame "project" crafted from Jordan's art kit.  I like how she wanted to cut this one out, and frame the smiley face.

Arwyn actually used the whole piece of paper on this one.

Even Arwyn got to make a frame from the project kit.  I only helped with the glue; she did a great job of modeling her big sister's style to get the actual frame shape!

The gift that kept on giving...I never thought those popsicle sticks would make it through so many projects!

"A butterfly in a spider's web." by Leia.

Even Arwyn started getting into the car trip art.

"A Diamond."

A nice little Christmas wreath that Leia gave to Arwyn to hang in her room.

Very cool tie-dye snowflake by Leia.

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