Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Arwyn Week 94: Arwyn Like's It! - 4/6/2017

Arwyn's speech is exploding more and more every day.  With her new found language skills come her new found command skills.  When we tell her to do something, she tells us to do something right back.  When I was trying to put her to bed the other night, she did not want to go, so she just told me to "sit down" instead!  She was playing with her plastic food and knife in her little kitchen, and she kept saying "I cut it."  She also tells us about everything she likes, which is a lot of stuff!  "I like ski," or "I like book."  She likes sunglasses too, "I like gassey," and the other morning I found her lying in bed in her dark room wearing her glasses.  She's starting to take more and more stuff to bed with her, which is a good thing because she wakes up and starts playing with it all again, so she plays in bed for awhile instead of crying.  She's still really interested in using the potty, and her daily school report card indicates that she's successfully using the potty multiple times a day.  I feel badly because she always asks me at home too, but I often don't let her because she takes so long and sits forever, and I don't always have the time to deal with it.  She had so much fun skiing on the Magic Carpet at Squaw in the rain again this week, so I'm really proud of these little stormtroopers of mine.  She was able to swing her arms and upper body around to turn the skis in a different direction.  You could tell she was trying to control things, but she just doesn't seem to really have the leg strength that she needs.  She's found other methods though.  She kept yelling at me to "go away" and "let go" so that she could ski by herself.  She clearly loves skiing, and it's funny because every time I ask the girls if they want to go skiing, Arwyn says yes and Leia says no.  Of course, they both have fun in the end, but possibly Leia even has more fun because Arwyn gets tired and cranky.  She still wants to go back for more though!

Leia, as I mentioned, did not want to ski, and put up an even bigger fight than usual.  She fought me every step of the way, including the final bathroom stop, but finally decided to join us outside, and had the best time.  She just kept lapping us on the Magic Carpet, trying to beat us down, which she did.  She didn't care to ride up the chairlift this time, but it was fine because she was able to be so independent.  Luckily she had Poppy to keep up with her while I stayed with Arwyn.  Leia learned about April Fools' Day for the first time this year, when MorMor played a little prank on her.  She  finally figured out how to drive her Jeep, and was enjoying it, so she and the Jeep made their inaugural trip all the way to Nana and Poppy's house (she'd never before made it past the next door neighbors' driveway).  She left the Jeep parked in Nana's driveway, and came out a couple hours later to discover some very large stuffed bears were trying to drive away in her Jeep!  She was pretty outraged until we explained the whole thing to her, then she thought it was brilliant!  She decided we should play an April Fools' prank on someone, and that the best candidate was Cousin Emmett!  So the next day (technically no longer April 1st, but when you are 3, who's counting, right?) we headed up to Emmett's with some Halloween pumpkin buckets filled with stuffed animals and other little "treasures" and hid them under Emmett's front porch.  We sat around like guilty criminals with big goofy grins on our face while he hunted all around trying to figure out what we'd hid.  Leia was so excited to have carried out such a great prank!  It was really cute, especially since it was so innocent and yet so well received by all involved...oh, to be 2 and 3 years old!  As she commonly does, Leia cracked me up again this week when grabbed her backpack and delayed our departure somewhere by yelling out, "I'm going to add a few essentials to my backpack!"  Whatever she needed was so clearly non-essential, yet so apropos to the scenario.  Where does she get this stuff!?  I finally had a clothing victory with Leia this week, which was hugely satisfying since Leia has dressed however she wants for so long now that I've mostly given up even worrying about it.  But I mentioned that she might want to change out of whatever ridiculous shoe she had chosen for school that day in favor of her "fast shoes," put them in the car, and left it at that.  By the time we arrived at school, she was apparently uncomfortable, and was singing to a different tune: "You were right Mommy, I think I should wear my fast shoes to school."  Hallelujah!

Da Belly Dancer!

So many great facial expressions!

So cute in her little fedora!

Reminds me of a picture from the 1950's of a working man kicking back, with his feet up on the desk, looking at someone in the background.

Leia and the Jeep's maiden voyage to Nana and Poppy's house!

Gently caring for a very antique doll named Sally.  Sally is wearing Papa's (Leia's great grandfather) christening gown, and she was given to Nana by Santa when she was 3 years old.  Nana says that Sally was already "antique" when she received her.

She's so old and fragile that it's almost like caring for a real baby!

Nana recovering from her Achilles Tendon Repair and rocking her new scooter!

Leia was having fun with Nana's scooter too; it was surprisingly maneuverable!

April Fools from MorMor!

So outraged that some bears had gotten into her car...just like what would happen in real life if bears got in your car!

Password = Leia

Leia finally took her jeep for it's maiden voyage all the way to Nana and Poppy's house. Arwyn was alternately laughing her head off and scared for her life!

We are in big trouble because apparently crashing into a snowbank is totally hilarious!

So great for Leia to finally have a little sidekick!

Arwyn's first time actually being old enough to participate at the gym...her eyes lit up when she saw all the great possibilities!

So impressed by her climbing skills, and especially by her ability to hang and swing for so long!

It was hard to photograph Leia; she was running around everywhere at very high speeds!

Really fun birthday party snowball fight...Arwyn took her time watching and figuring out what it was all about, but then she let loose and really fired off those snowballs!

Password = Arwyn

Ok, it was an indoor snowball fight with foam balls, but with all her great new throwing skills, she killed it!  Also helped that she wasn't afraid to take some cheap shots!

Nice puppy ears Dad!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn was very interested in Daddy's big book, so much so that she was flipping through the pages trying to read it, and was loving telling us about how she was reading it.

Leia demonstrating her favorite pose from her yoga class: Unicorn.

Arwyn has never had any formal yoga training, but wanted in on the action...clearly she's a natural!

Good yoga session, guys! Namaste!

Glad Leia is finally getting a little taste of her own medicine...can't lie down on the floor around this house without someone jumping all over you!

Taking advantage of a little bit of spring melt to play on Emmett's slide structure.

Emmett hugs!

Arwyn was a little intimidated by the steep slide that ended right in a huge wall of snow, but once she figured out that Mommy would catch her, it was really fun!

Stacia and Emmett standing in the hole where they had to dig out their spare wood supply mid-winter...pretty deep hole there guys!

Josh's athletes on the podium at the Far West Championships.  Good job girls!

Like I said, big trouble here...already thinks it's ok to drive a car in ski boots!

Decided to ride a bike in a bathing suit and ski boots too, but she actually had more success with this venture...she was able to pedal better than she ever had before...maybe the extra weight of the boots gave her more strength and force??

Cool cat Arwyn heading off to work in the "no" (snow) with her "gatchey" (glasses).

Password = Arwyn

After fumbling with her glasses, her handbag, and her keys, Arwyn heads off to work in the snow (aka, "no").  Bye bye Arwyn!

Fast asleep with her purse still hanging over her arm!

Breast feeding first thing in the morning, and she still has that purse wrapped tightly around her arm...can't risk having Leia snatch it away!

How cute is Arwyn in her little hooded ski mask...mini Darth Vader?

My dedicated little stormtrooper getting ready for another day of skiing in the rain!

She loves skiing so much now that she even insists on carrying her own skis!

After the epic battle of convincing Leia to come out skiing, I had such a fun morning with 3 of my favorite people: Poppy, Leia, and Arwyn!

Poppy and Leia spent the morning racing each other down the hill, and trying to find the most stickers on the walls of the tunnel.

My little ski buddy!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn kept telling me to "go away" and "stop touching" her, so when I moved on down the hill, she figured out really quickly how to get those skis moving downhill!

Password = Arwyn

It was a lot of whipping around her upper body, but Arwyn was able to turn her skis in a new direction and slow down with something like a hockey stop!

Thanks Poppy for treating these goofs to their requisite muffin and juice treat after skiing!

Fun new "scary daddy" (aka Darth Vader) water bottle!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn likes skiing so much that she's started carrying her own skis so that she can ski whenever she wants!  And she's found the words to talk about it!

Round 2 of skiing for the day...I think she likes it!

Happy snuggle time!

Whoa, what do you see there Arwyn?!

Leia's homemade Dream Catcher.

Cool mirror art.

Multi-media masterpiece!

Leia said this one was a picture of "Daddy's Spaceship."

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