Monday, January 16, 2017

Arwyn Week 81: Arwyn the Chatter Box - 1/5/2017

Arwyn is turning into quite the talker these days.  She has more new words all the time, and has even started saying some recognizable 2 and 3 word sentences.  "I dow" means "All done," "I nee how" means "I need help," and "He yo" means "Here you go" (as said while trying to hand you something).  It's pretty amazing and so fun every time we hear a new sentence.  She's been really good at drinking out of a glass for a few weeks now, to the point that I actually trust her with real glass, if it's a small one.  She was really excited the other day when Leia and I let her help us make fresh squeezed orange juice.  She was patiently watching Leia do everything, and was mostly content and interested, but when I said she could squeeze the last orange herself, you should have seen her face light up!  Our "little" Arwyn seems to have shot up all of a sudden, because she's now tall enough to walk all the way around the hot tub on the benches.  She's also super confident in the water and likes to imitate Leia's jumping antics.  Leia stands on the higher bench, counts "1, 2, 3, 4, 5...Canon ball!" then jumps into the middle of the tub, splashing all of us.  So now Arwyn likes to stand up there also, and she counts "2, 2" and jumps, whether we are ready to catch her or not!  Sometimes we aren't ready and she goes under, but she's figured out how to spit out the water if she takes any in, so she comes up smiling and unfazed every time.  It's so hilarious, especially the 2-2 countdown.  Arwyn saw her first fireworks ever on New Year's Eve.  The good thing about it getting dark early in the winter is that the fireworks were early enough for her to enjoy.  She was totally amazed, and never took her eyes off the sky.  Arwyn has started to be a bit of a pistol lately, however.  Apparently 18 months was long enough, and she's decided she's finished taking shit from Leia.  She will freely bite and pull hair in retaliation for things she finds overly offensive.  And she's really taking this self-potty training to a difficult place for me and Josh.  She will start saying "potty, potty" and throw a fit if you don't let her take her clothes and diaper off.  And then after a few tries on the potty, she refuses to put the clothes and diaper back on.  She just wants to stay naked all day, but she's liable to have an accident on the floor any second...agghhh!

Leia also had so much fun watching the fireworks.  Of course, she insisted on ice cream again because she can't have a trip to Squaw without it, and her father wanted a nice night rather than a fight, so treats all around!  She was also in seventh heaven when we went back to Cary's for dinner.  She got to stay up late, play all sorts of new games, and hang out with her friend Ben.  Plus, she got to sleep in a bunk bed and now she's totally infatuated with them.  She and Josh both want one, but I will hold out until I can be sure that the two of them will always change the sheets because bunk beds are a pain!  Anyway, it was also the first time sharing a room with another kid besides her sister, so she was all nervous and quiet and didn't pull any of her normal bedtime stalling antics.  It was so great for me!!  She was back to her perfectionist mode with her drawing this week.  This time it was a picture of Princess Sofia, and she kept getting so pissed about her inability to draw the dress and features to her satisfaction.  I put a halt to the whole art project after the 5th sheet of paper was disgustedly tossed to the floor.  It's funny, even though Arwyn is starting to hurt Leia back, Leia is really starting to enjoy her company and rely on her as a playmate.  She used to always want me to put Arwyn to bed so she could have my attention to herself, but now she's always asking if we can wake Arwyn up.  I guess she misses her little sister when she's not around!  Leia has been so funny because she's started this new thing where, before she goes to bed, she likes to lay out her outfit for the next day on the floor in mannequin style (shirt on top, then underwear and skirt, with pants laid out below).  I was so happy about this because it really sped up the morning process, but then one day she got all dressed and changed her mind and outfit three more times before we could actually leave.  Now she still likes to lay everything out, but it's no guarantee that she'll actually wear it.  Oh well.

Out and about in The Village on New Year's Eve...Arwyn loves people watching!

Very intrigued by her first fireworks.

All eyes are on the sky...we had some happy campers.

Lots of fun new games up at Cary's house!

Password = Arwyn

Learning new tricks from her Dad and Sister, Arwyn tries out her new skills of hiding and scaring us!

Password = Arwyn

Playing Peek-a-Boo with Leia...Arwyn loves to make her sister laugh!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn has been doing a lot of practicing, and is now jumping really high!

Password = Arwyn

Arwyn has a lot to say these days.  Sometimes I understand, but this time, not so much.

She's a total pro on the harmonica...seriously, it sounds like a real song!

Watch out Leia, there's a bear eating your head!

I think it must be Crazy Hat Day at the Transues or something.

A rolling tower as tall as she is, and believe me, that's tall!

Off to deliver Get Well Soon Flowers to our friend Cary.

Date night dinner of Lobster Tail and Crab Cakes...thank you MumMum!

Apparently Santa really liked our Gingerbread house on Christmas Eve because each night for the last week he keeps coming back to eat a little more..."That sneaky Santa" says Leia!

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