Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Arwyn Week 26: Baby's First Food! - 12/17/2015

Arwyn is really moving and shaking things up these days.  She can now log roll across her play mat to get a toy she wants (lying on back, rolled to tummy and even got that arm out, and then on to her back again)!  Her feet are still very interesting, and she now enjoys inserting the entire foot in her mouth.  And she had her very first solid food this week!  Like Leia, we started her with mashed banana, unlike Leia, she really did not seem to like it at all!  She wanted nothing to do with the entire process, wore a tortured looking face the entire time, and really didn't care to even play with the spoon.  Oh well, we'll just have to keep trying.

Leia finally got the dreaded Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease that's been going around school.  We're trying so hard to keep her away from Arwyn, but she always wants to kiss her and cuddle her so badly that even though she says she'll stay away, and does try, she also constantly sneaks in for a little love.  Oh well, not much we can do.  She's also so funny when she interacts with Arwyn, beccause she tries to copy us adults to say these loving and affectionate phrases, but it just sounds so funny coming from another little person: "Hey Cutie!  Hey Little Guy!  Leia's new favorite show is called Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and it's also turned into her favorite pretend play game, especially if I need to distract her from wanting to watch more TV!  "I got my sword, I got my map, I got my pixie dust!  We have to cross crocodile creek.  Let's go!"  Then we go running around the kitchen, back and forth.  It's so awesome how much she loves it.

We had a very nice celebration for my birthday.  Josh took the day off so we could all be together as a family.  Leia made me a very cute card, and we had fun singing the happy birthday song a lot.

Working on sitting up by herself...getting a little core workout but still needs a little support from the pillow.

Gently cradling and singing to her sweet baby!

Goofy post-milk faces!

Exploring the little nuances of the toy with her dexterous!

It's all about rolling onto that tummy!

Leia force feeding "milk" to Arwyn while they both ride the Daddy many things wrong with this picture!

Guess it's Torture Daddy Day...even Arwyn is learning the tricks of how to steal his glasses now!

I got you Daddy!

Daddy just wants to sleep but there's no rest for the weary around here!

Oooooo, cool tag!

Hard to see with the baggy PJ's but she's working on getting those knees tucked up under...crawling won't be long...

Fish-hooked by a foot!

Love a baby who still likes diaper much longer do you think we'll have of this?

Just can't get enough of these bath time smiles!

Snuggly little burrito!

Here we go, first bite of banana!

Exploring flavors, pondering textures...

No thanks Mom, and back out it comes!

Ok, got rid of that horrible mess they put in my mouth, I think I'm alright again now.

Ugh, more mash...these people just won't quit!

Cool new crayon set...thanks Cousin Chryssa!

Very fun birthday party with my Leia!

Arwyn gave me sweet birthday smiles too!

Those sweet cheeks are just asking for millions of kisses!

Still loves her standups!

It's your birthday Mom, I don't want to sleep, I want to party!

Hmm, now how many fingers are on this hand again?

Oh look, Nana has fingers too!

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