Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Arwyn Week 21: Rolling From Back to Belly! - 11/12/2015

Big news for Arwyn; she had her first roll over (from back to belly) this week!  She also showed us how smart and courteous she is by doing her first roll over while we were on a FaceTime call with Daddy, who was out of town, so he wouldn't have to miss the excitement.  She proceeded to do it a total of 3 times during that first day, and continues to practice it most days.  Arwyn also started sleeping really badly this week, which was very disappointing.  My first thought was that it was a growth spurt, which does happen at 4 months, and shows up as increased sleep (which did happen, she slept 14 hours straight one day), and increased eating (which also happened because she then started waking up more at night and needing to eat).  However, when things didn't normalize as fast as my sleep experts said they would, I thought it might be the 4 month sleep regression, because she was so good at putting herself to sleep at the start and back to sleep in the middle, but all of a sudden I couldn't get her to sleep without lots of rocking and cuddling, and we had many missed naps and night wake ups when she wasn't actually hungry.  Then she got really sick with a fever and congestion, so I thought that might be contributing to the problems too.  All in all, I'm sure it's a combo of all three, and it's leading to one exhausted mama!  Hopefully she gets well soon.

Grandma and MumMum arrived this week to help take care of Leia and Arwyn, and boy was she glad to see them.  As was I!  After a few more days of Josh being gone, Leia has gotten really clingy and needy and whiney, so being solo with 2 kids was much harder.  I was so glad for the reinforcements.  We all took her to a make-up gymnastics class on Thursday, and it was really fun.  Normally the gym class comes to her school, but for the make-up we went to the gym, and they had big trampolines, ball pits, pommel horses, and all sorts of other fun stuff.  And then MumMum bought her a shiny new leotard, which she wouldn't take off or put clothes over despite the cold temps for the next several days.  Cousin Emmett is getting better and better at walking, and is now up to the task of being Leia's little playmate, which is just going to get more and more fun for both of them.  Yay for cousins!

90 deg rolls in preparation for the full 180 soon to come!

Definitely her favorite rattle; and apparently she looks good in zebra stripes...who knew?!

So many interesting things to look at in this world!

Despite this being Sister Arwyn, as opposed to the other three doll Arwyns, she is definitely Leia's little doll, or rather BIG doll!

Come on Mom, help me out, it's gotten a bit cramped in here!

Building up momentum to make it over the top...

Taking a little rest half way with her eye on the prize...

And she's over!

Ok, now I can reach that toy, but this bottom arm is stuck, and shoot, I really hate this tummy position...why did I do this again??

Making the most of her success and a "bad" situation!

Arwyn's new favorite activity, snuggling with MumMum and zoning out on her face...she looks so relaxed and comfortable that you think she's fast asleep, but when you take a closer look, she's wide awake and staring intensely!

I love you MumMum!

According to Leia, "Arwyn wants some Cheerios!"

I'm bored of this game, what's next?

On second thought, maybe that other game wasn't such a bad idea!

Actually, I love my big sister and she makes me laugh!

Thinking hard about which way to go from here...all the way over or back where I started?

Where's Willow??  Today she's hiding in the powder, trying to get buried!

Arwyn found herself a new game...she can even spin the dials...definitely worth a roll over!

Tug-of-war with MumMum!

Leia is learning about emotions at school...that's why she keeps telling me "Mommy, I cried for you."

Got her legs stuck in her jammies and had to spend the night stuck in a ball! 

First time in the ball pit...hmmm, what's this about?!

Big fun, big smiles!

Poor Levi, getting buried alive!

So great to be a kid in a ball pit!

Poor Arwyn, getting dragged on all the adventures when she's feeling so sick.

Hmm, maybe not quite ready for the pommel horse.

The rocking plane looked like it was really good for the core...adult sizes available?

And the best part of the whole thing?  Getting stampers!!

All warm and cozy and ready to head home!

Is she not the cutest little thing ever?

Our little gymnast diva relaxing in her new leotard from MumMum.

Hello Arwyn Jean Transue.  Sorry you feel so sick, but you are still so cute and smiley!

Now that Emmett can walk and likes to explore, Leia is fired up to have a new playmate!

Leia and Emmett Video:

Leia Teaches Emmett Follow The Leader from Katharine Transue on Vimeo.

Password = Leia

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