Thursday, December 25, 2014

Leia Week 76: Showing Patience and Determination - 12/10/2014

Leia has added a few more two word phrases to her repertoire this week: "Mommy Sick" (that was from before), "Mommy/Daddy shit" (aka, sit), and "More Happy" (aka, please play the song "If You're Happy and You Know It" again and again and again)!  She loves dragging Josh and I around the house to certain locations, patting the floor and telling us where to "shit", and then having us watch or participate in whatever it is she's doing.  It's so funny!  The good news for us is that both of us are always so tired, so we are happy to oblige her in all this sitting!  She also loves clapping her hands and stomping her feet to the If You're Happy song, and it does not ever get old.  Sometimes we can sneak a few other songs in there to entertain her for a bit, but it always goes back to More Happy pretty quickly.

Also this week, I watched Leia playing with some building blocks, and I was completely blown away with her patience and determination.  She was trying to build a tower out of 4 different sized (and shaped dowels) on a wobbly carpet surface.  I thought the task was hard enough for an adult, much less  Leia, who hasn't quite mastered all of her coordination, so I tried to tell her an easier way to do it, but she wanted nothing to do with my ideas.  She had the design of this tower in her head and that's what she was going to do, by golly.  I didn't think she'd ever succeed, but she stuck with it for quite awhile and finally got it.  Later Josh saw this picture of the tower and didn't believe that Leia did it herself, until I showed him the video as well.  Quite impressive!  She's so advanced!!

Showing off the cute PJ's from Auntie Biby and Uncle Ryan…sadly this was the last wearing because she's already too big for all her 12 month clothes and even most of her 18 month stuff too!

So proud of her tower…it took so much persistence (not to mention time)…can't believe she stuck with it so long!  And do you see how that fat one balances on the skinny one?  I didn't think it was possible, but she proved me wrong!

She just figured out she can play Peek-a-Boo out the back of her stroller!

A little Budweiser and PBJ for lunch…yum!

Fun to trade bikes with the neighbors…2 wheels no pedals!

Fun afternoon exploring at Squaw!  She's getting so good at climbing everything…took one look at the Locker Room Roof and decided she wanted to climb to the top of it!  I actually had to pull her off!

Rub-a-Dub just relaxing in the tub!

Megan and her new baby Audra…Congratulations!

Getting snuggly with a soft blanky and a good book!

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