Saturday, July 12, 2014

Our New Back Yard - 6/26/2014

Now that Leia is old enough to run around, we realized that our backyard was not a sufficient place for her to play.  All rocky and dirty, and no place to really roll around.  So we decided it was time to put in a lawn!  Of course, in this day and age and climate conditions, it didn't seem responsible to put in real grass (not to mention its a pain in the butt to take care of), so we looked into artificial turf.  Our friend Aaron Atkins at Sierra IntelliTurf had a great product, so we went for it.  Also brought John over to take out a few trees that were dying, so now our backyard is completely unrecognizable and totally awesome!!!  Thanks to everyone who helped make that happen!

Johnny Danger the tree climber in action.

Way up high in the trees!


It's fun to watch the man do his work.

Pulling the top off another tree.

A few "before" pictures of the back yard.

Lots of space but lots of little "ankle rolling" rocks.

Wild and pretty but not functional.

Clearing out the rocks…a look after Day 1.

Day 1.

Day 2: Leveling out the play field.

Day 2: Lining out the perimeter with all the rock that was just sitting around in our yard.

Day 2: New rock patio with the flagstone from Lucy and Bob that's been sitting around and waiting to be used for over 6 years!  Thank you!!

Day 3: Laying down the new putting green.

Day 3: Brushing in and rolling out the sand filler.

Day 4: Cutting and pasting all the pieces.

And voila! The final product!!

Putting green, grass for rolling, creekside patio, and sandbox for Leia (aka Sand Trap for Josh's golf practice).

Can you even believe this is the same yard!

Even got new rock steps down from the deck.  It's a perfect place to play for people of all ages!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh gosh! What an amazing job you guys did in transforming your backyard. Felling a tree that large is dangerous and would daunt an ordinary man, so kudos to John for that awesome feat. It's really handy to have someone who can do some heavy yard work and climb a tree. Thanks for sharing the pictures, by the way. All the best!

Mike Gurung @ Bay Area Tree Specialists