Friday, June 20, 2014

Leia Week 50: Teething Troubles - 6/11/2014

Ever since she started walking, Leia has been pretty tired and fussy.  This week she took it to a new level, and it's pretty clear that now she's going through some hard core teething.  She's drooling like a maniac, biting on everything in sight, and being a total turd (oh wait, I mean she's our wonderful little TURDle Dove!)  She's also on this new kick of refusing to eat.  Not sure if it's related to the teething or a phase of fussiness, but out good little eater suddenly has become very discriminating in her tastes.  She won't even try things that she used to love or doesn't know that she hates yet.  Very frustrating!  Good thing she's still so cute!  And on the flip side, she is fast becoming a professional walker at extremely fast paces…she'll be full on running pretty soon I think.

She must have been watching me on my hands and knees painting the deck more than I realized because she picked up this paint brush and knew exactly how to use it!

Very proud of herself and her fabulous paint job!

Oops, missed a spot over here, better take care of that.

Big girl goes down the slide all by herself!


That was fun!

And around we go for another lap...

It's the classic hands above the head for balance baby walk!

Swings are so fun!

Especially when Dad makes you laugh with each push!

Family day at the park!

Double slides with Dad!

She's really starting to take an interest in dogs now…in fact, don't remember if it was this week or the next, but "Dog" was her next real word!

Play date at the Alpine Park!

She brought back one of her all-time favorite poses from the early months at quite an appropriate time…Diva Pose!!

Checking out all the older kids.

The Diva and the Exhibitionists!

Taking a ride on the Princess Cruiser!

Can't this boat go any faster dad?

Teething on the sunscreen spray can!

Veggie Box Date Night…Salt crusted chicken with a miso pan sauce, Kale and sweet potato lentils, and a huge garden salad with some fancy French wine!

You know she doesn't feel good when she actually wants to lie down and snuggle!

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