Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Leia Week 40: Winter Playtime with the Family - 4/2/14

Leia had lots of family come to town to visit her this week. Gram Gram and Grandpa came from NY, and Aunt Jen and Uncle Benson flew in from MN. And we finally got a snow storm, so there were a few days of powder skiing.  Lots of things to smile about!  And the big news for Leia was that she started standing up without holding on to anything. Mostly she would just let of of whatever she was standing in front of, but one time she even stood up in the middle of the room with having to pull up on anything.  Very cool!

The arrival of Gram Gram means lots of great new clothes...and check out the fancy new headband hand crocheted by Uncle Cody.  Thank you Cody!

Walks with Dad are so fun!

Another  great "miss you Mommy" photo shoot to cheer me up at work.

Look at that grin...does she know she's so cute?

A fabulous filet and beet risotto dinner, courtesy of Jen and Benson.

Sitting down to enjoy a nice family dinner.

Snow play time!

Neither Leia nor this snowman are too happy about snow play time.

Sledding with Mom...not awesome, but much better than sledding alone.

Leia sandwich!

Life was good on the way to snow play...didn't know what she was getting herself into yet!


It may have looked steep, but we were not moving fast...always safer, but not too exciting.

Now here we got speed...look closely and you'll see one freaked out Mom not wanting to dump her baby!

Hey there Uncle B, you sure are funny!

So glad she finally got to meet her Aunt Jen!

Fun with the sock game!

So many pretty people!

Dad, stop it!!

Excuse me for a minute, I need to check my email.

Hey Gram Gram, I found your phone.

So excited to finally be allowed to play with a real phone!

Our little Beethoven!

Playing the piano with Daddy is so fun!

Feet music!

Really, I think she's a natural!

Daddy singing, Leia snapping out the beat...bath time is a regular concert around here!

So fun to snuggle with a clean baby!

She's a smurf…

Heeeey Daaad, I found your cell phone! Wha ha ha ha ha!

Last morning with Gram Gram...I'll pinch your nose for good luck!

Look at me Dad, no hands!

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