Monday, January 16, 2012

Ice Hockey on Lake Angela 1/16/12

We are setting records this year in Tahoe, but not the kind we want. It's the middle of January and there is the least amount of snow fall since sometime in the 1800's or something. I certainly don't remember ever seeing it this bear in my lifetime. Well, we all have to make due, which means finding non-snow activities to keep us entertained. It turns out that backcountry ice skating is the latest craze. It was cold and clear for a long time, so all the lakes are nice and frozen. And with no fresh snow to get in the way, its clear skating! Heather, Ryan, Amanda, and I headed up to Lake Angela, a little mountain lake up on the summit, for a day of picnicing and hockey (with or without skates, whatever you could find).

We set up our gourmet picnic spread out on the little rock island in the middle of the frozen lake.

Heather was the only one who actually had skates, so she zipped all around the lake.

Showing off her sweet figure skating moves.

And now lets play hockey!

The little ice balls made great pucks, gliding fast and smoothly across the lake. The only challenge was getting to them fast enough and not eating crap with the tennis shoes...sort of a cross between broomball and hockey!

Talk about a gorgeous day!

Heather let me try out her skates for a bit...its just like riding a bike, the moves come right back to ya!

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