Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Very Happy New Years 08-09

We had a fantastic New Year's Eve this year...I had the night off of work for the first time in 5 years, Josh came to Tahoe, and a ton of my other out of town friends also came for a visit, including Eric and Brittany Rygg, Kent and Judy Adams, Sabrina and Markus Leunig, and Chelsea and Trevor Robinson (not actually here on New Years, but for several days during the week before). This is a collection of pictures from the entire holiday week.
We kicked off the week with a holiday gathering/belated birthday for me...John, Brittany, Cocoa, and Josh were in attendance.

As were Lizard, Roxy, Wil Patton, Sarah, and Tucker.

Cheers to Markus, Jesse, and Cary as well.

Looks like Josh, Eric, and Jonathan are hording all the booze!

Its the beginning of the night and Chelsea already can't walk...good thing Sub and Meg can help her.

Megan, Chels, Sub, and Kat posing for the camera.

On Tuesday the group headed to Christy Hill for a celebratory was so yummy! Thanks Ryan and Kent!!

The New Years Group gets ready for dinner at Eric Rygg's house, aka "The Bootery."

Mmmm, I'm happy...

Josh, Katharine, Sarah, and Molly are all smiles after a delicious home-cooked meal...great group effort on the food!

Now we're starting to get a little wait, that's Marco, Kat, and Josh, they're always silly!

Josh and Kat.

Now I got a laugh out of him!

Josh and Kent Adams rockin' out on the mic.

Ryan Adams with Kent Adams, his brother from a different mother!

Katharine and Josh hanging tough at the Beirut Table.

John, Molly, Bygg, A-Train, and Kat.

And now the mysterious belt appears...

The belt is now a necklace...

And a noose...

The boys laugh as a slightly tipsy Katharine fails to do the 12 pull-ups she usually does at the gym.

Katharine and Ryan gettin' jiggy wit it on the dance floor!

Molly, Kent, Brittany, and Cocoa looking a little tired at the end of a long, fun night...

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